Tuesday, July 10

Spain Experience

As long as you have air in your lungs, a beating heart and a dream, it is never too late to accomplish any goals. A study abroad experience does not compare to a regular classroom experience.

In a different setting, your perspective changes if you are keen on what to look for. Because of the intense challenges of making this trip possible, my mind was open and ready to experience as much as I could. I did not hesitate as I normally do to try something new. Whether it was a new food, a show or a simple visit to a museum, I wanted to try it.

I was able to fulfill my dream of studying away from home. I was also able to experience, first hand, the thrills I hope my children will take. I plan to encourage them to travel to states or countries for an opportunity to learn about other cultures, other governments and other people.

This has altered my view of the world in many ways. I learned more about who I am as a Hispanic woman living in the United States. I have gained more pride in my culture and my upbringing. My most favorite lesson, however, has to be the new perspective I have of the world. Days after we returned from Spain, I stood in front of a world map and it appeared smaller. Having traveled across the Atlantic shortened the distance of what once seemed worlds away. I now truly believe it is a small world after all.

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